Our vision

“We envision a world of women who grew up understanding that carbs are energy and the gym isn’t just for losing weight; a world where women feel comfortable in all areas of a gym, and the squat rack becomes a space we are expected to take up rather than a place men are surprised to see us.”

Girls Gone Buff was founded to introduce girls to lifting, healthy eating, body positivity & self-confidence at young age, because the world we envision is made up of women who have these skills.


Every GGB session is comprised of a workout portion using a barbell & other gym equipment + a group discussion.

We cover things like:

  • stress & anxiety

  • being responsible social media users

  • body changes

  • healthy eating habits

  • taking care of our bodies

  • friendship & relationships

The goal of GGB is always to educate girls from a perspective of strength & body confidence in the bodies they have, rather than trying to shrink their bodies or assimilate to our culture’s ever-shifting beauty standards

Our programs use a 2-angle approach to this education: empowering girls through teaching them how to lift, and communicating with their peers and trusted adults about real, meaningful issues.



Dr. Maysa Hannawi (ha-NOW-ee) is a physical therapist & online strength coach by trade, but an athlete by heart. She has helped dozens of men & women get stronger, heal pain, and discover their bodies’ true potential.

Emily Steele found her way into the health & fitness world after a brief stint as an elementary teacher, and gradually honed in on women-specific personal training & coaching, focusing on body image, self-confidence & busting through the female-directed narratives about weight loss and fad diets.

The creation of Girls Gone Buff is truly a combination of their unique-but-complementary experiences & passions as health professionals. Both work with women who have never touched a barbell, who fear “that part” of the gym, and who live in a cycle of body-comparison between other women. Both envision a world made up of strong, confident, empowered women. And both understand that this world starts with creating strong, confident, empowered girls.